Wednesday, August 29, 2012

pregnancy so far

well, here are my weekly pictures so far. they are kinda pathetic..i just take them myself with my phone when i remember at some point during the week. hopefully once i start looking less full of donuts and more full of baby we will take some better pictures with a real camera. 

up til the last two-ish weeks my one symptom was feeling nauseous on and off everyday, but nothing terrible. i just have to have snacks with me everywhere i go and constantly eat to keep my tummy semi-happy. these last two weeks have been slightly worse and have included some barfing. yuck. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that once i'm out of the first trimester i'll feel like eating something other than crackers and soup. 

i scheduled an ultrasound appointment this week for october 24th, and i'm pretty sure that's the big day we find out if this baby has a weenie or lady bits. i'm so excited for all the fun shopping and crafting that will come after that day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

it's a...


come march 16th (give or take) there will be another simpkins living in this apartment. boo yeah!

we are over the moon excited and cannot wait for all the new and exciting things to come. i'm almost 11 weeks and feeling ok. i've been nauseous on and off for the past 3-4 weeks. this week has been a yucky one for my tummy because i got a migraine monday night and barfed twice, so my stomach has been a little out of whack from that. but all in all i've only had mild symptoms and shouldn't complain too much. 

i've been taking weekly pictures and plan on posting them here. fingers crossed that actually happens :)