Saturday, September 3, 2011

chevron: the good and the bad

since we've been married most of the decor we have are frames with wedding pictures. after 15 months it was starting to get a little old. so i decided to start with the shelf we have about our tv. our ceiling is really high so i wanted something bigger that would fill the space a little better. while i was at joanns one day i went to browse the canvas section and they were 50% off! so i bought one and thought about painting some chevron on it, since it's all the rage right now. i also got a few bottles of paint at michael's.

i couldn't decide which color(s) to use at first, but i finally decided on the turquoise. i then found i template online of a chevron pattern, printed it out, and fit it onto the canvas...

after spending too much time trying to figure out a good strategy, i ended up marking the points of the zig-zag pattern and then lined up the tape using those marks...

then i painted...

i let it dry and then peeled off the tape to find...

yuck. the tape didn't work as well as i hoped :( i think the canvas is at fault actually, since it's a bumpy texture and the paint seeped under the tape in too many spots. so i then asked my hubs if i should paint the pattern a color and he thought the yellow would look best. so after spending about an hour doing that i had something that looked like a charger fan would own... and i hated it. no pictures with the yellow...sorry charger fans :)

i went back to joanns two days later, bought a bigger canvas, and went with the gray for round 2. i also nixed the tape idea and instead traced the template i still had. and then i painted. and painted. and painted some more. and ended up with...

 so much better!!!! if you look closely you can see imperfections, but from the couch it looks great :)

so that's my chevron story. i don't plan on doing anything like this again anytime soon. i do have more plans for the shelf though. i'll keep you posted :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

septmeber already??

where has the time gone??? i can't believe summer is coming to a close. it's always a bittersweet time; sad that the days are getting shorter and the warm weather is leaving but excited for all things fall
(which isn't much here in san diego but what can you do?). here's a few pictures of things that we've been up to the last few weeks...

penny and i went on a long walk. she's pooped.

sushi for the sister's bday

lego action with j & r

awesome concert in la jolla

river trip with the family

i STILL have not done anything to my studio... i'm ashamed of myself. i have stuff sitting on my counter ready to be hung and enjoyed by the lovely little faces that come into my room each week, and yet i have somehow forgotten about it every time i go to teach. sheesh... maybe next week i'll actually be proactive and take care of this project!!!