Wednesday, April 3, 2013

she's here!

our sweet emery jane is here at last. she arrived on march 10th at 3:38 in the afternoon, weighing in at 8 pounds 8 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. she has been such a joy and it crazy to think about how we once lived life without her.

the last trimester of my pregnancy was quite the journey. it started with the lovely glucose test; i managed to fail both the 1 hour and 3 hour tests so i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. the first week or two of that was rough, but once i figured out what i could and couldn't eat to keep my blood sugar levels good it ended up being a blessing in disguise. i lost 3ish pounds those first weeks and didn't gain anything the rest of my pregnancy!

a few weeks later we were planning on heading up to murrieta for a visit with family when i started feeling contractions pretty regularly. i had been having braxton hicks here and there for a couple weeks, but never one on top of the other within minutes of each other. we headed to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitor- my contractions were off the charts and coming every 2ish minutes! it was so weird to see that happen on the screen but only feel a little bit of pressure in my belly. they ended up admitting me and i was stuck in the hospital for four days. i got lots of meds pumped into me (not fun) and thankfully the contractions stopped and we got sent home. but i now had to be on bed rest... i was only allowed on my feet to go to the bathroom and take fast showers. so we moved in with my parents so my mom could be my nurse.

when i was 36 weeks i was scheduled for an ultrasound to check the size of the baby; moms with GD tend to have bigger babies so they wanted to make sure she wasn't getting too big. turns out she measured almost 8 pounds at this point. i knew there was some room for error but it still freaked me out. i did NOT want to push out a 10 pounder! there was some talk of scheduling a c section, but i had my last appointment with a new doctor and she felt that was totally unnecessary and scheduled an induction for me instead. so we had two weeks for baby to come on her own before she got evicted. it was kind of hilarious hearing all our friends and family make guesses on when she would come based on the weather and the full moon and other ridiculous things. i was fairly confident she wouldn't come out on her own. mama knows best.

march 9th finally came. we got to the hospital around 7, got checked in and settled in our room and around 8:30 the party got started. the doctor put a pill in my cervix to get it to soften, came back four hours later and i was 2 cm. put another pill in, came back another four hours later and i was 4 cm. i then got hooked up to the pitocin. that's when things got really fun. i really started feeling the contractions; at first they were just like bad period cramps, but after an hour or so they got pretty painful. and my water broke, which was one of the weirdest feelings ever. i was still at 4 so i decided it was time for an epidural. long story short it took three anesthesiologists and about 12 tries for the epidural to take. not fun. side note- if you are pregnant and have scoliosis and want an epidural, GOOD LUCK. the first time they got it in there was a little pocket where it didn't work, so i was numb except for this one little spot where i felt extreme pain. second time around (god bless the anesthesiologist who was so determined to put me out of my misery) i was sitting there praying that it would work when i felt serious urges to push. the nurse had just checked me and i was still at 4, but when she saw how i was having to bear down to make it through the contractions she had me lay down really quick to check me again. in 20 minutes i had gone from 4 to almost 9. they got the epidural in pretty quickly and thankfully it worked much better but i still felt a lot of pressure. it was finally pushing time, and that went on for 2 hours. my eyes were closed the whole time. i have never been so exhausted in my life. labor is seriously the hardest thing i have ever gone through. she finally started to make her way down and the doctors quickly got the bed ready. they had to tell me to stop pushing which was almost impossible. a few pushes later she was here! it was so surreal. how did we make this baby?? how was she inside of me??? all 8 pounds 8 ounces of her????? and how the heck did she turn out so stinking cute???????

we spent two nights in the hospital and then finally got to come home. it's now been three weeks and she is growing and changing every day. it's so fun seeing her come to life and become more alert and active. i still can't believe how crazy and amazing the whole pregnancy process is now having gone through it. all the aches and pains and 20 hours of labor go out the window when you look at that little face the first time and realize she is all yours. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

24 weeks

somehow i'm already 24 weeks. it's starting to become more and more real as the days go by. i've been thinking more about the whole process of actually getting this little lady out of my belly...and sometimes i freak myself out. not gonna lie. but more than anything i'm so excited to meet her and snuggle her and put her in cute outfits and show her off to everyone :) 

life as a pregnant lady is getting more and more tricky. i move slower every day, i get tired doing the simplest things, my back is achy, sleeping isn't a very enjoyable thing anymore, acid reflux is getting worse, walking the dog feels like climbing a mountain.... all these little things add up and equal me having cry-fests because i feel frustrated and sorry for myself. and my poor husband has to deal with the crazy hormonal mess that i become. today was one of those days. i just have to remind myself that it's not about me anymore. my body isn't just mine. i'm a cozy little home to our sweet baby and she's more important than any of my issues. overall i have loved being pregnant, but i'm glad it will be over in 15ish weeks :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

little baby bib

isn't this so cute?!? i found a tutorial on pinterest and had to try it for a friend's shower this weekend. and i loved how it turned out! i will definitely be making more for our little peanut. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

sweet baby girl

that's right. this little squirming bundle inside me is a GIRL! and i'm so excited. she already has piles upon piles of clothes thanks to friends and family. and i of course can't resist buying things here and there. i made a deal with myself that i'm only allowed to buy clothes if they are ridiculously on sale. otherwise her room would be one giant closet.

i can't believe we are already more than halfway through this pregnancy. time has flown by! and now thanksgiving and christmas are right around the corner and we all know how fast these next two months go. soon enough it will be time to bring this baby into the world! we are hopefully going to start getting her room ready. right now it's a giant mess of things we didn't bother putting away when we moved in...not looking forward to going through all that. but i can't wait to get her crib and a dresser and decorate!

Monday, September 24, 2012

the baby bump

it has officially arrived. it's so fun to look in the mirror and see my belly grow. i used to stuff blankets under my shirt and pretend to be a little pregnant lady when i was little playing house, and now it's real! still so surreal. i'm so so excited for this week. my golden birthday is three days away and we decided to go get an ultrasound to find out if this little babe is a boy or a girl! i can't wait. then we get to celebrate with a weekend of camping!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

pregnancy so far

well, here are my weekly pictures so far. they are kinda pathetic..i just take them myself with my phone when i remember at some point during the week. hopefully once i start looking less full of donuts and more full of baby we will take some better pictures with a real camera. 

up til the last two-ish weeks my one symptom was feeling nauseous on and off everyday, but nothing terrible. i just have to have snacks with me everywhere i go and constantly eat to keep my tummy semi-happy. these last two weeks have been slightly worse and have included some barfing. yuck. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that once i'm out of the first trimester i'll feel like eating something other than crackers and soup. 

i scheduled an ultrasound appointment this week for october 24th, and i'm pretty sure that's the big day we find out if this baby has a weenie or lady bits. i'm so excited for all the fun shopping and crafting that will come after that day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

it's a...


come march 16th (give or take) there will be another simpkins living in this apartment. boo yeah!

we are over the moon excited and cannot wait for all the new and exciting things to come. i'm almost 11 weeks and feeling ok. i've been nauseous on and off for the past 3-4 weeks. this week has been a yucky one for my tummy because i got a migraine monday night and barfed twice, so my stomach has been a little out of whack from that. but all in all i've only had mild symptoms and shouldn't complain too much. 

i've been taking weekly pictures and plan on posting them here. fingers crossed that actually happens :)