Thursday, June 23, 2011

beginnings of a bedroom makeover

since we got married and i moved in to the condo, we had done nothing to the bedroom. we finally got rid of the nasty carpet in november last year and had plans to paint, but that never happened. so, at LAST, my bestie came over one friday a few weeks ago and we painted! i wish i had before pics...

i had been loving the idea of hanging embroidery hoops with fabric after seeing lots of pictures of the idea on blogs and pinterest. and the best part of this idea is it's cheap! hoops are about $1 and thanks to my fabric obsession i already had tons to choose from. i also got some cheap frames from ikea and printed some free art from a website (can't find it for the life of me right now!) we put everything up with this awesome stuff..

no holes in the wall=YAY!    

we did have to put the hoops with nails, but used tiny ones so it won't be a huge deal when it comes down someday. and actually, i'm thinking i want to add some more and rearrange, but for now i like it :)
we did pick up some more frames (one of them got mod podged last week) so i'm thinking i'll put some more frames in the mix and maybe another hoop or two. i'm just happy things are on the wall at at last!

and here's a picture just because...
                                                                                 she's so lady-like.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

fun frames

 i'm not a fan of spending money. when it came to getting picture frames for wedding pictures, i was having a hard time finding lots of frames without spending tons of cash. so my first purchase was from my beloved target. i got three 5x7 frames for $10 i think, and four 4x6 for about the same price. only thing was they were bright green and yellow. not my favorite colors, but i got them anyway. after a while i got tired of the bright colors, so i painted them white. instead of getting the clean and crisp look i was hoping for, they looked dull and dingy. bummer. here comes the fun project! i got some mod podge and picked a few fabrics (i may have a slight obsession with buying fabric; the one thing i can spend money on) and spiced up the ugly frames.
before...nasty white

 i'm much happier with these frames now! and i'm also obsessed with mod podge.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

here goes nothing...

i've tried starting a blog lots of times, and it never really happened. so here's to hoping it sticks this time around. i've been doing lots of crafty things lately, and learning how to sew, and trying to make our "casual castle" look and feel like home. after i finish a project i always want to share it with people other than my husband (who thinks everything i make is great- i think he just says that because that's what awesome husbands do) and my pupster, who could care less if it doesn't involve food or a walk. so i'm jumping on the blog bandwagon, because let's face it, who doesn't have a blog these days? alright. here goes nothing...